April 18, 2012
We can eradicate energy poverty in India by 2020, says Tulsi Tanti in TERI University address
New Delhi / Pune: Suzlon Group Chairman Tulsi Tanti in a speech at The Energy and
Resources Institutes (TERI) University on the occasion of Earth Day, highlighted energy poverty
as the greatest challenge facing India today.
Speaking to an audience comprising of students and leading academics, Noble Laureate Dr. RK
Pachauri Chancellor of TERI University and Chairperson Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change and Mr Mark Kenber, CEO of The Climate Group.
Mr Tanti spoke on the urgent need to work towards a sustainable energy economy, he
highlighted the challenges and the opportunities India faces.
With our increasing population and drive to bring better living standards to all the most crucial
enabler for India is energy. Each Indian must have access to safe, secure and affordable energy
supplies this is a fundamental right. It is a sad fact that even today approximately 400 million
Indians do not have regular access to power.
However, this is not an insurmountable challenge. With the right policies, investment and
public-private partnership models, we can bring energy poverty to an end by 2020. For this to
happen we must all government, industry and citizens must make a sustainable energy mix
an immediate and urgent priority. The tools are already with us, we are blessed with more than
enough wind, sun and tides to meet our needs and that of future generations. India is uniquely
positioned among developing nations to leapfrog the technology divide and lead the change. As
populations grow and with it the need for energy, we have the opportunity to lead the world on
to the road to truly sustainable, equitable development.
He added: Its been an honor to speak at the university and I really enjoyed the opportunity to
connect to the youth of the country. Their response has been very heartening. They have
pledged to live and work in ways which would minimize their carbon footprints.
Mr Tanti also introduced his publication Lets Save the Planet launched at the annual meeting of
the World Economic Forum in Davos earlier this year. Developed in association with The Climate
Group, Lets Save the Planet discusses the opportunities for sustainable development through
energy efficient and economically profitable business models. The document outlines the severe
threat of climate change and offers a solution through innovative energy usage and competitive
green solutions.
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the global population will increase by 26 per
cent, from 6.8 billion in 2009 to 8.6 billion in 2035, with over 90 per cent of the increase
happening in non-OECD regions. Those non-OECD countries will deliver a further 70 per
cent of the increase in economic growth and up to 90 per cent of energy demand growth.