April 7, 2011
Suzlon launches new S9X suite of wind turbines
- 2 MW-class turbines, designed for moderate to low wind regimes
- Robust, reliable design optimized to deliver higher yields at a lower cost per-kW/h
- Extends proven technology platform to meet specific market, wind regime and operating conditions
Chennai/Pune: Suzlon Group, one of worlds leading wind turbine manufacturers,
announced today the launch of its new S9X suite of wind turbines at the Wind Power 2011
conference in Chennai, India.
Mr. Tulsi R. Tanti, founder, Chairman and Managing Director - Suzlon Group said:
The wind industry is rapidly evolving; the center of gravity has shifted to emerging markets
which are re-shaping the sector. This shift is also dictating the direction of technology
development as more moderate and low wind sites become available in these new markets.
The S9X suite of turbines has been developed to take advantage of these emerging
We have a very tight focus on providing higher yields for our customers at a lower cost
even from low wind sites. This suite of products is an important addition to our portfolio,
expanding on our proven, reliable technology platform to deliver more efficient wind power
solutions customized to our customers exact needs. We are confident the S9X suite extends
our competitive edge in emerging high-growth markets like India, China and Brazil and
other select matured markets.
Speaking at the event, Mr. John OHalloran, President Technology - Suzlon Energy
Limited, said: Customer centricity is the hallmark of our new products. The S9X suite of
turbines has been specifically designed keeping in mind the needs of the market. We have
engaged closely with our customers in the development phase. Weve incorporated their
input at the design stage - delivering not only a better product, but also significantly
improving project execution and servicing of the machines in the field.
Every aspect of the turbine the blades, the generator and sub-systems features
improved designs to deliver a higher return on investment. The machines also have better
grid compatibility and are in accordance with the highest safety standards. The end result is
a range of products which are extremely reliable, delivering significant increase in energy
yield at a low cost through its life cycle.
The S9X suite is an evolution of Suzlons proven technology platform, and is built around a
core doubly fed induction generator-based technology. A compact and modular DFIG design
allows ease of serviceability and meets the latest grid requirements for smoother wind
power plant connectivity. New blade designs with rotor diameter of 95 meter and 97 meter
offers a larger swept area add to this with greater energy capture and power production
from moderate to low wind speeds. To ensure the highest standards in quality, Suzlons
blade testing far exceeds industry baseline by simulating total life cycle of blade (1 million
cycles) in most extreme onsite conditions.
The turbines boast of variable tower heights of 90 or 100 meters, leading to low cost
optimization and higher power generation. The S9X turbines also comply with low voltage
regulation (LVRT) requirement, this leads to better compliance with grid regulation.
Additionally, improved sub-systems like the new pitch and yaw systems have increased
system reliability of the machines.
Serial production of the S95 turbine is scheduled to begin in Q2 FY11 - 12, followed by the
S97 in Q4 FY11- 12, backed by a robust order book.