July 20, 2009

Suzlon enters Bulgarian wind market

  • Order to supply 12.6 MW through six Suzlon S88 2.1 MW wind
  • First order with partner Technomash Bulgarian Industrial Group

Pune: Suzlon Energy Limited (SEL), the world’s fifth leading* and India’s largest wind
turbine manufacturer, signed an agreement with Technomash Bulgarian Industrial
Group to deliver six Suzlon S88 2.1 MW wind turbines to a new wind farm in the Varna
region in Bulgaria. The project will come up in the Kardam region in north-east
Bulgaria, and be supplied in FY2009-10.

Speaking on the order, Mr. Erik Winther Pedersen, CEO – Suzlon Wind Energy A/S, the
Europe and Latin America arm of SEL, said: “This is an important step forward in our
drive to enter new and emerging wind markets. Bulgaria offers an excellent wind
regime and supportive investment climate, and we aim to expand the wind market in
the country. We are proud to associate with Technomash, one of Bulgaria’s largest
industrial groups, and are confident this order lays the foundation for a strong future.”

Added Mr. Sumant Sinha, COO – Suzlon Energy Limited: “This is both an important
order, and important new market for Suzlon. Europe forms the largest market for wind
energy, and we are focused on expanding our footprint in the market. We have
secured the order in the face of a tough economic climate, and meeting and exceeding
our customer’s expectations will lay the foundations for to build on this achievement.”

Added Mr. Stefan Stefanov, CEO - Technomash Bulgarian Industrial Group:
“Technomash is not only a leading industrial group for Bulgaria and the region, but the
company is also a proven innovator who has the capacity and the policy to look ahead
in the future. We are content with the partnership with Suzlon, for the company has
shown only excellence and professionalism in our current partnership. We expect to
work together on an ever larger scale and to tend to the success in establishing the
green energy in Bulgaria and Europe.”

Contact Us

Dharini Mishra
Tel: +91 (20) 67025000
E-mail: ccp@suzlon.com